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ISSN: 1905-7873 (Print) ;e- ISSN: 2697-4746 (Online)


Welcome to Maejo International Journal of Science and Technology (Maejo Int. J. Sci. Technol. or MIJST), the international journal for the publication of all preliminary communications in Science and Technology.

First launched in 2007 by Maejo University, MIJST is peer-reviewed and published as an online open-access journal. It is indexed/abstracted in :

• Science Citation Index Expanded (SciSearch®)
• Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition
• Zoological Records
• Directory of Open-Access Journal (DOAJ)
• Google Scholar

Impact Factor of MIJST = 0.7 (2024)

You are invited to contribute review or research papers as well as opinion in the fields of science and technology including engineering. For referees and format of the paper, see Instructions for Authors and Template. Manuscripts and list of referees should be submitted by e-mail to the editor : duang_bud@hotmail.com. Papers accepted will be published online and available at https://www.mijst.mju.ac.th


This journal is equipped with a plagiarism detection system.



Contact addresses :
Scope :
Manuscript Preparation :

Editor :
Duang Buddhasukh
E-mail: duang_bud@hotmail.com

Associate Editors :
Jaturapatr Varith
E-mail : varithj@yahoo.com
Wasin Charerntantanakul
E-mail :wasin@mju.ac.th
Niwooti Whangchai
E-mail :niwooti@hotmail.co.th
Morakot Sukchotiratana
E-mail: morakot.s@cmu.ac.th
Nakorn Tippayawong
E-mail : nakorn.t@cmu.ac.th

Editorial Assistants :
Jirawan Banditpuritat
E-mail: jirawan@mju.ac.th


We accept contributions (full paper, review, report, communication, short communication, and technical note) in the fields of physical sciences, earth sciences, life sciences, agricultural sciences, and related technology including engineering but excluding logistics, ergonomics, computer science and engineering, sports science, pollution research, waste treatment, excavation technology, metallurgy, concrete technology, steel technology, fossil fuel technology, fluid mechanics, electrical engineering (including electronics), engineering management, agricultural management, data mining, mobile telephone technology, wind power technology, wireless sensor networks, telecommunication, traffic monitoring and technology, etc.


Manuscripts should be prepared in English using a word processor. MS Word for Macintosh or Windows, and .doc or .rtf files are preferred. Manuscripts may be prepared with other softwares provided that the full document (with figures, schemes and tables inserted into the text) is exported to a MS Word format for submission. Times or Times New Roman font is preferred.


Maejo International Journal of Science and Technology(MIJST) is an open-access online journal. Free for readers, they can read, download, copy, distribute, print, search, or link to the full texts of all articles. The journal is indexed and abstracted in Science Citation Index Expanded, SCOPUS, Journal Citation Reports/Science Edition, Zoological Record, Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ), CAB Abstracts, ProQuest, Google Scholar, EBSCO and ACI

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© 2007 Maejo University
Contact :: Tel : +66-53-87-5533, Mailing Address : Maejo International Journal of Science and Technology, 1st floor, Thep Sat Sathit Building,
Maejo University, San Sai, Chiang Mai 50290, Thailand